
Top New Year’s Resolutions for Family Caregivers
Jan 14, 2020
The New Year is the perfect time to reflect and create goals. Typically you’ll hear resolutions such us losing weight or exercising more. And while those are perfectly fine and in fact good for your health, it’s important to...

How Giving Back Can Help Seniors
Dec 17, 2019
As a non-profit organization, the Summit Senior Coalition is committed to helping families proactively address the challenges of mobility and aging. Our goal is to provide access to the tools and support you need in order to...

Support For Caregivers in Summit County, Ohio
Dec 10, 2019
Being a caregiver can be stressful, and for family caregivers, it is often unpaid. Because of this, it’s important to have a network of individuals you can rely on for help. Below are a few local caregiver resources you can...

Volunteering Helps Seniors Improve Mental Health
Nov 20, 2019
Many of us have volunteered at some point in our lives. Giving back doesn’t just have a positive impact on the community. It also benefits us as individuals.
Seniors can especially find advantages in volunteer activities....

Summit County Transportation Services for Older Adults
Nov 08, 2019
Driving to the store or a doctors appointment is something we routinely do. Having that consistent transportation is something we also take for granted. But as we age, it’s one of the first freedoms we have to give up. Once...

Tips for Choosing a Caregiver For a Loved One
Nov 05, 2019
At some point, you will likely need to set up home care for a loved one. This can be a stressful and difficult process but there are a few tips you can use to make things easier.
Assess the Situation
Talk to your loved one...