The Summit Senior Coalition can help coordinate a comprehensive plan of home and community-based care, all centered around your needs.
You have questions. We have answers.
Our goal is to help you maintain your independence. Find the specialized services and resources you need to help you plan for a healthy, more independent lifestyle. The Summit Senior Coalition can help coordinate a comprehensive plan of home and community-based care – all centered around your individual needs.
Support & Services
Whether you’re a senior, a caregiver or an individual with a disability, you’ll find a wealth of helpful services to support your daily living:
- Assisted Living/Nursing Facilities
- Adult Day Health Care
- Caregiver Information
- Elder Abuse
- Finances
- Home Health Care
- Home Maintenance/Yard Work
- Hospice
- Housing Options
- In-Home Help/Housekeeping/Personal Care
- Intergenerational Programs
- Legal Help
- Meal Assistance
- Medicaid Transportation
- Medical Equipment/Supplies
- Mental Health/Substance Abuse
- Nurse Visits
- Prescriptions
- Safety
- Senior Centers & Activities
- Senior Employment
- Senior Information/Case Management
- Social Security
- Support Groups
- Transportation
- Senior-Specific Health Care
- Respite Care/Day Programs
- Hospice Care
- Elder Law/End of Life Planning
- Money Management & Tax Help
- Utility & Energy Info
- Victim Services
For more detailed information, download our Resource Packets.